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NY NATAS Business Directory

Would you like your business to reach thousands of NY NATAS members? Our business directory is a great tool to showcase your business!

NY NATAS members come from all aspects of the television industry- production, post-production, managerial, talent, technical, support services, etc- and from companies including broadcast networks, cable programming services, local stations, independent production companies, advertising agencies, unions, guilds and more.

Your listing will reach Actors, Producers, Bookers, Writers, Directors, Editors, Make-Up Artists, Set Designers, Graphics Designers, Advanced Media Professionals, Journalists, Publicists, Musicians, Performers, Executives and many more!

A Business Directory listing is a great way to position your business among the leading providers in the area. Add your listing today for just $50 a year! That’s just over $4 a month!

How To Add A Business Directory Listing

All listings are reviewed and activated by the Web Administrator before posting live on the Web site. Payment can be made with either check or credit card.